Ban Appeal

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Registered User
Jan 8, 2019
User name: scuzzbeaux

What is your in game ALIAS(es) scuzzbeaux

Which game is it? Battlefield 4

Your Steam ID: (if applicable)

Server name that you were banned on ! ! ! ! ! PEARL MARKET INFANTRY 24/7 | TBGCLAN.COM | 1600TICK

Approximate Date/Time that you were banned This morning, at 5:32 AM

Admin that banned you (If you remember) Irishian88J

If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for. I was on a roof and it was honestly my first time. I saw a couple of other people do it and thought it was okay. I won't do it again. Besides, it sucked anyways. :)

Any additional comments you would like to add? I always try to be "the good" on the server and be supportive, thank you for considering removing the ban.

FYI: Causing trouble during your ban appeal may extend your ban to all our servers. You've been warned.
And again deliberate slurs will NEVER BE LIFTED including any attempt to troll or test the filter. We dont care or why. Our house our rules! The rules and punishment in the server are very clear. Only false positives or legit context will be lifted.
We have the rule command that you can type in chat !rules it should display that high roofing aside from using jump tactics is not allowed.

I am sure if you agree to refrain from high roofing, Irish will lift.
Thank you for your reply. I'll check that out if/when the ban is lifted.
Hi. You didn't answer Matt's request. Do you agree to refrain from High Roofing?

Thank you,

I'll write it out, so as to be clear:

I promise to refrain from high-roofing.
Ban lifted. Keep in mind that we will be keeping an eye out. Thank you for your appeal.
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