accidental ban

  1. F

    Ban Appeal

    My username is DJ10Fresh, it might be Fearingjeans954, or simply just Fearingjeans. I dont know where to check lol. I was banned today while discussing the vehicle meta on the "All Air Maps" server, I said the following: "On console, it is even worse, servers ban lock-ons and call you p***ies...
  2. GooseyPoopsey


    I was banned because there is a guy with the name AZricer on the Pearl Market TBG 24/7 server. I legit had no idea what a “ricer” was so I posted in chat (“What is a ricer”). It was about 10:47am pacific time 1-27-2019. I literally did not know that was a “offensive” or racial term. I use that...
  3. STR

    Appealing my squad members ban.

    Two of my squad members Y0ur_Kryptonite and kingthot33 were banned for accidental racism.They were new to the server and did not know that a word that they say ever so often was against the rules,They did not think much of it because of their nationality and race,they are of African decent and...