REQUEST - 24/7 Outbreak + Zavod Nightshift server


Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
Hello Admins,

The 24/7 operation outbreak server was one of my favorites, but sadly that server is now hosting gun master only.

I am sure there are folks that enjoy this, but for those that want to play 64p CQL on the new maps, we are out of luck. I am having a hard time finding servers that have these two maps in rotation.

TBG servers are the only ones that I play on because I love this community and the fact that there is no commander, so I was wondering if I could request you to consider having a sever dedicated to the new free DLC maps that DICE LA is releasing.

Thanks a lot.
dragon valley and norshars canal maps will most likely be permanent for gunmaster and hardcore respectively. Sadly outbreak and zavod night map did end up dying off very quickly forcing us to go back to previous. But you can find those maps you mentioned on rush, all maps and infantry only servers.

That really sucks for me. I like playing 64p CQL. It would be great if there was one server that is dedicated to these new maps. I have a feeling once those maps are released, the server will be popular, just like the Final Stand DLC server is.

If you don't host a CQL server, chances are, no one will. If you look at servers from all the other clans, no one is as popular as TBG. So yeah, I hope guys will think about this, because folks like me won't have a place play these maps in 64p CQL with no commander otherwise.

Thanks for all the work you put into this. Much appreciated.